would you like to have more detailed information about this property? or would you like to have more choices from our database? please don’t hesitate to contact us so we could send you the data of property in the following languages: we speak english nous parlons français govorim po-russki (?? ??????? ?? ???????) vorbim romineste wij spreken nederlands )????? ???????( natakalamu al arabiyya ????????? do you live outside spain? we facilitate you all the procedures you need: nie application, account opening process, legal advice, utility connections (electricity, gas, water, telephone, and internet), furnishing and decoration, refurbishment budget and project advice, etc... we are working for you in valencia, castellón,gandia, alicante and other metropolitan areas. alicante: álvarez sereix 11 ent. izq. 03001 office open during the midday, our opening hour is from 9:00 to 20:30. this is an informative commercial without any contractual value, it´s possible to contain mistak